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"The stories people tell have a way of taking care of them."

—from Crow and Weasel by Barry Lopez

Are teams duplicating effort or going in different directions?

Are your best efforts being resisted or rebuffed?

Are the stories in your organization defeatist and paranoid or uplifting and energizing?


Eavesdrop on conversations in the cafeteria or coffee station, and you will hear stories that reveal workplace culture. Is perfection your driving cultural force? Or "notch-above" customer service? Are you sure that your culture effectively aligns and focuses effort to secure your success?

Because culture varies from organization to organization—and even from department to department—there is no such thing as a "one-size-fits-all" change mastery model.

"Ben has such infectious humor and energy. He went beyond the Myers-Briggs presentations to address the differences that were really dividing us. He gained our trust, made it safe to open up and helped us focus on the real issues without getting defensive. His follow-up ensured that we mastered his systematic processes."

-Bob Ryckman, Sales Manager, US West

Failure to develop a "people plan" that fits your company and its challenges is a major reason that change processes fail. Leichtling & Associates, LLC recommends a cultural assessment as part of every change mastery project. Through a variety of activities, including one-on-one interviews and ongoing focus groups, we identify your driving processes, as well as variations by work group.

We use this cultural information to craft change mastery strategies that meet employees' needs while effectively moving them toward your organizational goals.

Energize, align and focus effort in support of desired changes.

Contact Ben to:
Assess what you need to reach the next level
Design presentations, workshops, individual and team coaching

email Ben | phone 303.458.6616

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