Leichtling and Associates: Get the results you want.  
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"It's a funny thing about life. If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it."

—W. Somerset Maugham

Are you getting frustrated with poor attitudes and insufficient performance?

Do you worry that staff will leave if you're too demanding?

Are you clear about what to do to reach the next level?


Successful leaders...

Motivate people to rally around a common goal and a compelling future.

Inspire others to be at their best - even in adverse circumstances.

Organize, align, focus and improve their own efforts and the work of others.

Set the standards and serve as models for others to follow.

Solve problems, take effective actions and get results.


We all are born with the potential to lead.

"Your messages were so very relevant and very insightful and I expect to see quite a few changes in leadership styles. Each one of the 125 managers walked away with something to do or something to change. You absolutely nailed the problem of being overwhelmed along with specific actions we can use to turn things around. The conversation around ‘standing up for the standards' was something each manager needed to hear. It feels like Ben is talking directly to you from a deep personal and historical well of insight, wisdom and common sense. He's not your typical presenter."

-Jerrie Berning, Associate Manager, Great-West Life, "Leadership Responsibility and Accountability" presentation

There is no guaranteed leadership "recipe." Successful leaders do not operate by a prescribed checklist. Experience shows that great leaders use many different approaches. But there are common keys to their success. They master certain attitudes, qualities and skill sets. They do the right things at the right time. They know their personal styles and adjust them to fit the circumstances and people around them.

Leichtling & Associates, LLC helps individuals and groups fulfill their leadership potential.


Become a more magnetic and effective leader - develop leaders on your staff.

Contact Ben to:
Assess what you need to reach the next level
Design presentations, workshops, individual and team coaching

email Ben | phone 303.458.6616

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