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Mentoring and Coaching for Teams and Organizations


"We are what we repeatedly think or do. Excellence is a habit."


Does your organization get new employees on board and enthusiastic during that first crucial week?

Do managers and staff feel supported and partnered by each other?

Would you like to see that everyone shares the same attitudes, drive and enthusiasm?

Are "stars" groomed to succeed?


Guide your staff and organization to the next level.

Technical skills' training is not enough to create and retain productive employees.

Surveys show that:

Turnover is the most costly, overlooked factor destroying productivity and decreasing profit.

60% of employees who receive effective mentoring and coaching plan to stay with their companies for the next 5 years.

25% of employees rate their bosses' mentoring and coaching efforts "D" or "F."

Leadership and change mastery attitudes, qualities and skills, supervision skills, communication and teamwork - developing these skills is the secret to getting things done effectively and efficiently within your company. Effective customer relationships within your industry must also be taught and learned to develop quality employees.

Mentoring and coaching programs are crucial components of successful organizational strategies.

Experience shows that mentoring and coaching are:

The fastest ways to get employees up to speed in all areas.

The most direct methods of weeding out employees who don't fit.

The most effective ways of retaining quality employees.


"I have found Ben to be insightful, energetic, and a wonderful mentor. His ability to assess, to guide, to teach, and to direct are matched only by his incredible sense of humanity. He clearly loves people, and truly wants everyone to maximize his/her potential; and he loves being part of the process! Your meeting, your group, your mission, your life is enriched with Ben's guidance."

—Diana Huerta, meeting planner


Well-trained, skillful mentors and coaches can provide situation-specific, day-to-day feedback and course correction. You can promote a culture of success by enhancing employee capabilities, responsibility and productivity.

Leichtling & Associates, LLC works with teams and organizations to set up and monitor internal mentoring programs. We train mentors and "protégées", match mentors with "protégées," and set up benchmarks for measuring the effectiveness of your efforts.


Find out more about Mentoring and Coaching for Individuals.

For more on mentoring and coaching, please refer to Ben's articles on the subject.


Overcome your most difficult problems.

Pass on crucial attitudes, information and skills.


Contact Ben to develop a program that fits you and your organization:

Face-to-face coaching as a stand-alone service or tied to workshops and presentations.

Two hour to 1/2-day problem-solving sessions.

Telephone coaching and problem solving for individuals and teams.


email Ben | phone 303.458.6616

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