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"Strength comes not from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will."


Do you always have the passion, energy and purpose you need?

Do you notice a lack of appreciation and respect?

Is it sometimes difficult to promote your values in the face of cynicism and lack of caring?

Great leaders throughout history have "ethos" that claims credibility, respect and authority. You can build your ethos by approaching both tasks and people in the ways great leaders always have—through...

Self-possession and self-mastery. (see Personal qualities of leaders).

Focus on critical issues, coupled with an ability to see the big picture.

Passion and urgency that drive creativity and performance.

Calmness under pressure.

Progressive discipline without being domineering.

Assertiveness that is fiercely protective of standards.

Authority, diplomacy and tact using the criteria of others to sell your ideas.

Pro-activity--anticipating and addressing potential problems before they happen.

Encouragement, facilitation, motivation, and inspiration.

Specific skill sets.


Participants in the leadership session at University of Denver said:

"Stimulates thought, encourages participation and transformation."

"Applies concepts to real-life problems."

"Ben has great breadth and thoroughness of knowledge."

"Very invested in the topic and in us."

"He presents in a way that make concepts and terms easy to understand and applicable."


Leichtling & Associates, LLC can share case studies to illustrate how these mindsets make the difference between leading the pack and following the crowd. We help groups and individuals develop these essential attitudes, qualities and skill sets.

Become a more magnetic and effective leader - develop leaders on your staff.

Contact Ben to:
Assess what you need to reach the next level
Design presentations, workshops, individual and team coaching

email Ben | phone 303.458.6616

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