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Attitudes and Qualities | Essential Tasks | Essential Skills | Facilitating and Delegating | Articles on Developing Leadership

"The more that's on the line..the more you need to be at your best."

-Joe Montana

Are you beginning to get overwhelmed, discouraged and "losing it?"

Are negativity, resistance, anxiety, fear and anger becoming a problem?

Do you sometimes feel isolated and picked on?


You need practical help that creates realistic hope.

Over the years, Leichtling & Associates, LLC has observed that effective change masters exhibit some very specific attitudes and qualities. These traits drive a person's "copability," or ability to cope successfully with a challenging, ever-shifting environment. In turbulent times, who you are counts far more than having a methodology or textbook.



Be at your best when the pressure is greatest. You're not blown away by a storm. You're not a victim. You're not defeated by criticism or swayed by flattery. You are the calm center of the storm around you. You know yourself: your wants, needs, hesitations and fears. You take charge of yourself. You go for it: skillfully, effectively.



You have overcome "self-sabotaging" attitudes and behaviors. You develop worthy allies and quality partners–and function well as a team player.


Other key traits:

Vision, focus, commitment, alignment of effort

Take responsibility, get results

Stand up for the standards

Passion, energy, purpose

Courage, creativity, mental toughness

Determination, dedication, will, drive

Endurance, persistence, tenacity

Resilience, patience, discipline

Flexibility, humor

Partnership, camaraderie

Caring, compassion, empathy


Transform attitudes, master people skills, spark productivity

Leichtling & Associates, LLC can share case studies to illustrate how these traits make the difference between success and failure—in business and in life. We help groups and individuals build these essential qualities.


Make Dr. Ben Leichtling and his programs your catalyst for change.

Contact Ben to:
Assess what you need to reach the next level
Design presentations, workshops, individual and team coaching

email Ben | phone 303.458.6616

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