Powerful Resources
“Demand quality from yourself and others. You'll get what you put up with, so put up only with quality.”
-Ben Leichtling
Membership in Dr. Leichtling’s Living Your Glorious Life Program
- $20.00

Each month you’ll receive an Electronic Monthly Mentor containing a mixture of:
- Memorable case studies, articles and success stories so you can learn by example.
- Thought provoking ideas and guidance.
- Practical, systematic and effective strategies, tips and tools.
- Assessments and exercises.
- Experience, wisdom and quotes to live by.
- Other useful items as I learn or create them.
- Pre-publication announcements of powerful products.
Some months I’ll mail CDs or audiotapes and handouts of programs I’ve given.
As long as you’re a member of the Program for Living Your Glorious Life, you’ll also get a bonus of a 10% discount on all Leichtling and Associates product purchases.
This item can be shipped by mail with an additional charge of $8.00 per item in the USA ($15.00 outside the USA).

The Bullies Be Gone system — Personal Life Bundle
$99.95 — a 20% discount + $12 shipping, handling, & tax

This collection of books and audio CDs brings together all the elements and resources you need to create a bully-free environment in your personal life. You can read the books or listen to the CDs in the car or airplane and refer back to the sections in the books you'll want to read over and over.
- How to Stop Bullies in Their Tracks – soft cover
- Parenting Bully-Proof Kids: Stop School Bullies in Their Tracks – soft cover
- Bullies Below the Radar – soft cover
- How to Stop Bullies in Their Tracks plus Parenting Bully-Proof Kids– 10 CDs
How to Stop Bullies in Their Tracks plus Free bonus: Parenting Bully-Proof Kids
10 CD set
75.00 +$10.00 shipping, handling, & tax

Dr. Leichtling reads an unabridged version of his book, How to Stop Bullies in Their Tracks, complete with 20 case studies to help you eliminate bullies from your work and personal life.
Plus a free bonus, unabridged reading of his book, Parenting Bully-Proof Kids: Stop School Bullies in Their Tracks.

How to Stop Bullies in Their Tracks
softcover book
$19.95 + $10.00 shipping, handling, & tax

How to Stop Bullies in Their Tracks will show you how to apply lessons from 20 case studies to end bullying in your personal life and at work.
- Early warning signs of overt and stealth bullies.
- Stop self-bullying before it destroys your life.
- The three strategies that will be successful.
- Nine ineffective approaches you should stop using.
- A five-step process to thwart the most determined bullies.
- How to protect your personal ecology.
Preview Table of Contents (pdf)
Reading Group Questions (pdf)

Parenting Bully-Proof Kids: Stop School Bullies in Their Tracks
softcover book
$9.95 + $5.00 shipping, handling, & tax

Parenting Bully-Proof Kids: Stop School Bullies in Their Tracks is a companion to How to Stop Bullies in Their Tracks that shows you how to guide your children and teenagers to live a bully-free life. Six case studies will teach you how to help them deal with:
- Taunting, teasing and fighting.
- A venomous Queen Bee.
- A manipulative control-freak who pretends to be a friend.
- Emotional blackmail.
- School administrators
- The most important decision for teenagers.
- Self-bullying.
Preview Table of Contents (pdf)
Reading Group Questions (pdf)

Bullies Below the Radar
Softcover Book
$19.95 + shipping, handling & tax

In the Bullies Below the Radar Softcover Book you will get strategies, techniques and tips including:
- The seven warning signs of Bullies Below the Radar.
- Tactics and tricks bullies use to manipulate and thwart you.
- Why people attract bullies and allow bullying.
- How to overcome the five most common objections to stopping bullies.
- Nine ineffective approaches you should stop using.
- A seven-step process for stopping bullies.
- Guidelines for living bully-free.
Preview Table of Contents (pdf)
Rave Reviews for Bullies Below the Radar (pdf)
If you want coaching to use these strategies and tools more effectively and to deal with difficulties before they become obstacles, sign up for one of Dr. Leichtling’s Regular or Fast-Track Personal-Life Coaching.
Join with Dr. Leichtling now to:
Assess what you need to reach the next level
Cut through the knots of seemingly complex and intractable problems
Deal swiftly and surely with critical situations you face everyday
email Ben/phone 303.458.6616 |