Leichtling and Associates: Get the results you want.
Change Mastery Developing Leadership Aligning Organizations Building Teams Personal Teams
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Resources and Products for Living Your Glorious Life, Bullies Below the Radar, and More!
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Leadership and Cultural Change in Tough, Turbulent Times

Effective Communication -- Electronic, Phone and Face-To-Face

Long-Distance Heroes: Leading Remote Locations

Everyday Heroes Bite the Bullet - Series

Heroes in the Making: How to Train and Retain Quality Employees

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Program Titles and Descriptions


"Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire."

—Thomas Merton


Do you need to lift:

Executives into becoming effective everyday heroes and models for high performance results?

Managers and employees to the next levels of ownership for the whole organization, not just their individual job descriptions?

Everyone's passion and commitment to improving quality and productivity?

Leadership takes more courage and skill in tough, turbulent times. From decades of research and experience, Dr. Leichtling, a nationally recognized expert, has created systematic, yet customized strategies to help leaders develop staff who routinely deliver the extraordinary--to each other and to the marketplace.

Do you want participants to return to work with:

Customized and thought provoking programs on critical issues facing leaders in the workplace today?

Systematic and practical strategies to help you transform attitudes in a demoralized workplace, master people skills and spark productivity?

Entertaining, dynamic and interactive programs that provide clear answers to complex, high-stakes problems?

More strength and courage to make difficult decisions during crunch time?

Most Popular Programs

The High Cost of Low Attitudes: Benchmarking "Soft Skills" for Success

Continuous process improvement and customer service plans are great on paper, but aligned, focused, productive people are the key to making visions realities. Create attitudes of responsibility, accountability and performance at all levels.


How to Deal With Adults When They Act Like Children

Step-by-step strategies to solve costly, crazy-making people problems. Create a culture with professional behavior that promotes success and makes you excited to come to work.


Heroes in the Making: How to Train and Retain Quality Employees

Develop managers and staff who take responsibility for success, not just their job descriptions.


Leadership and Cultural Change in Tough, Turbulent Times

Get through the crunch by best practice management. Effective strategies and systematic methods to face uncertainty, unpredictability, risk and high stakes.


Walk and Roll: A Step-By-Step Guide to a Glorious Life!

Live life with the same determination and strength you had when you learned how to walk. Falling down was not a mistake. Hesitation, anxiety, fear, pain, ignorance, embarrassment and low self-confidence did not stop you for long.


More Narrowly Focused Programs

It's Not Easy Being a Superhero: Career-Life Balance

Say, "yes"to your own life. Early warning signs of Kryptonite and what to do when your cape gets in your eyes. Stress is your best friend.


The Dynamic Duo: Great Lieutenants and Great Captains Run Great Ships

What great captains and lieutenants expect from and deliver to each other.


Long-Distance Heroes: Leading Remote Locations

How leaders and staff at remote locations and headquarters can cut through defensiveness and misunderstandings in order to maximize success.


Don't be Overwhelmed: Be the Eye in a Storm of Confusion and Anxiety

How to deal effectively with too many phone calls, e-mails, voice mails and meetings


Effective Communication--Electronic, Phone and Face-To-Face

Master the medium: Don't continue losing precious time and energy dealing with defensiveness, misunderstandings and personal fights.


Corporate Liars, Looters and Weaklings: How to Have Profit, Quality and Self-Respect at the Same Time

Our times call for good people to become everyday heroes with the power to transform their lives at work and at home. Learn how to influence decisions at the highest level.


Everyday Heroes Bite the Bullet - Series

Systematic, real-world skills and tools to resolve difficult situations and costly, crazy-making people problems. Including:

Everyday Heroes Don't Whine and Complain: No More Victim Talk!

Productive Evaluations: Conflict Avoidant Leaders Increase Conflict

How to Deal with Clients who Cost you Profits and your Best Employees

"You're Not Fair:" Dealing Individually with Different Levels of Performance

Raise the Bar for Professional Behavior

Resolve Negativity and Stubborn Resistance to Change Initiatives

When to Say No and Let Go

How to Deal with Stars Who Bully

Take the Heat and Spread the Glory: Model Responsibility and Accountability


Spouse Programs

Walk and Roll: A Step-By-Step Guide to a Glorious Life!

How to Deal With Adults When They Act Like Children

It's Not Easy Being a Superhero: Career-Life Balance

Don't be Overwhelmed: Be the Eye in a Storm of Confusion and Anxiety


You need:

Presentations, workshops and training to make your goals, strategies and systems clear and to set the high standards that will align the efforts of leaders, managers and staff.

Guidance and facilitation of systematic processes to train your staff and managers in the culture you need to avoid misunderstandings, personality clashes and warring cliques and to boost productivity high.

Coaching focused on specific situations so your leaders and managers know what to do before molehills become mountains.

Ben delivers results you can see and feel

Ben's work is real-world, not only because of his vast professional experience but because of his own changes.

Energize, align and focus effort in support of desired changes.

Call Ben at 303-458-6616 to personally:

Assess what you need to reach the next level
Design Presentations, Workshops, Retreats and Focus Sessions

email Ben | phone 303.458.6616

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