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Strategic Articles for Health Care

Articles for Individual Physical-Mental-Emotional Health

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them."

-G. B. Shaw

Here are some strategic articles for health care Dr. Leichtling has written, or in which he has been featured, that you may find useful.
If you want to download PDFs of Ben's articles, or go to online articles in which Dr. Leichtling's expertise has been featured, there’s an easy way:

  1. Scan down until you see the first article you want. Now that you know that you want at least one article – stop scanning the list and go to the next step.
  2. Click on the link to get you to the portal into the PDF section.
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  4. You’ll see the same list of articles, but this time they’ll have links to the PDF’s.
  5. Simply click on the title, or the PDF icon next to it, to open or download a PDF of the article to your computer. Open/download as many as you want.
  6. Happy reading!
  7. Links to articles Dr. Leichtling has been featured in will take you directly to the online version of that article, appearing in a new window

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them in a trade or company publication, please ask – it’s free.

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"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

CARING Magazine is the official publication of the National Association of Home Care. Their web site is www.nahc.org

Strategic Articles for Health Care

Attitude is an Investment, Not a Cost Center (CARING Magazine) HC6. 10-03

Why is This Happening to Me? (CARING Magazine) HC5. 9-03

How to Deal with Difficult and Manipulative clients (CARING Magazine) HC4. 8-03

"Early Warning Signs of Burnout" and "Retaining the Best Employees" (CARING Magazine) HC3. 7-03

"Best Leadership Style" and "Caretaker Mentality Syndrome" (CARING Magazine) HC2.6-03

"Leaders Facing Tough Times" and "Dealing with Relentless Boundary Pushers" (CARING Magazine) HC1. 5-03

Profit and Customer Service aren't Mutually Exclusive - Urban hospital case study (Denver Business Journal) 123. 9-12-03

How to Succeed in an Industry Under Siege - Health Care (Denver Business Journal) 122. 8-29-03

Employee Upgrade: Dump the Nay Sayers (East Bay Business Times) 107B. 2-3-03

You Can Get what you Want Without the Whining (Cincinnati Business Courier) 107A. 1-20-03

No Whining Complainers: No More Victim Talk (Denver Business Journal) 107. 3-15-02

Fight the 'Caretaker Mentality' that Undermines Success (Denver Business Journal) 105. 1-11-02

False Promises that Sap Determination and Strength (Denver Business Journal) 100. 9-21-01

Avoid Meltdown When Workloads Increase (Denver Business Journal) 98. 7-27-01

Find Eldercare That Matches Needs (Denver Business Journal) 75. 8-6-99

Overcome Fears to Create Success (Denver Business Journal) 72. 6-11-99

Grow A Strong Business and Still Have a Great Life (Denver Business Journal) 67. 1-8-99

Deal Effectively With Holiday Pressures (Denver Business Journal) 65. 11-13-98

Pressure Maximizes Performance (Denver Business Journal) 61. 7-10-98

Control the Violence Within Yourself (Denver Business Journal) 51. 9-12-97

Master Your Fears to Manage Change Effectively (Denver Business Journal) 50. 8-22-97

A Handbook For Creating Your Heart's Desire (Denver Business Journal) 49. 7-18-97

Know When to Separate Family and Business Life (Denver Business Journal) 46. 5-9-97

Dealing With Aging of Our Parents, Ourselves (Denver Business Journal) 43. 3-7-97

Make Allowances For Grieving Co-workers (Denver Business Journal) 21. 7-28-95

Take Effective Action to Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed (Denver Business Journal) 9. 1-27-95

Setting Boundaries to Increase Self-Esteem (Anchor Point) PD 7. 2-94

Developing the Habits You Want (NLP Chronicles) PD 6. 1-94

Recognizing and Labeling Bullying: Quiet Bullies (Anchor Point) PD 5. 1-94

Getting Rid of Your Worn Out Desires (NLP Chronicles) PD 4. 12-93

Updating Self-Images and Building Self-Esteem, part 2 (Anchor Point) PD 3. 9-93

Updating Self-Images and Building Self-Esteem, part 1 (Anchor Point) PD 2. 8-93

Updating Resource Images For Self-Empowerment (Anchor Point) PD1. 3-93

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