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Long-Distance Heroes: Leading Remote Locations

“It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.”

—W. Edwards Deming

Do you suspect that distant employees lack loyalty and are goofing off?

Are there problems motivating and building teamwork with people you can’t see?

Do distant employees misunderstand expectations and timelines?

Are distant employees acting like they have hidden agendas?

Set standards and keep employees on track and productive even when you have limited connection and can’t be hands-on

We help you

Recognize key indicators of staff who can be productive at distant locations.

Overcome cultural differences and contact limitations.

Set expectations, benchmark progress and stand up for your standards.

Stimulate motivation, team spirit and aligned effort.

Recognize the warning signs that you’re losing contact, effort and productivity.

Maintain team agreements and recover from misunderstandings.

Be consistent and effective with rewards and consequences.

Give and receive feedback and protect yourself without becoming defensive.

Deal with difficult people, situations and patterns of behavior.

Keep track of your agenda over distance and time.


You need:

Presentations, workshops and training to make your goals, strategies and systems clear and to set the high standards that will align the efforts of leaders, managers and staff.

Guidance and facilitation of systematic processes to train your staff and managers in the culture you need to avoid misunderstandings, personality clashes and warring cliques, and to boost productivity.

Coaching focused on specific situations so your leaders and managers know what to do before molehills become mountains.

Ben delivers results you can see and feel

Ben's work is real-world, not only because of his vast professional experience but because of his own changes.

Energize, align and focus effort in support of desired changes.

Call Ben at 303-458-6616 to personally:

Assess what you need to reach the next level
Design Presentations, Workshops, Retreats and Focus Sessions

email Ben | phone 303.458.6616

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